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Articles tagged with: birthday card

Blue Barfoone - Garden Night Creature

Blue Barfoone - Garden Night Creature

.....doesn't actually exist which makes it difficult to explain why you can usually see one every Wednesday night, at 2.39am, tirelessly weeding your garden. Barfoones are oversensitive and self conscious creatures and should be approached with extreme caution. If startled or frightened in any way they will emit a barrage of terrifying attack balloons form their enormous mouths. If you ever see a balloon in the night sky you know that there is a panicking Blue Barfoone not too far away. You have been warned.

Pink Draboone - Garden Night Creature

Pink Draboone - Garden Night Creature

Outrageously self important but ultimately pointless garden night creature. A year in the life of a Draboone lasts for a mere 24 hours which means it celebrates its Birthday every day. This makes them very expensive and annoying pets. Look out of your window at 3.47am and you might just see a Draboone pleading for a present. They eat cake and egg mayonnaise sandwiches on white sliced bread. This one is 11042 today which makes him about 33 but you should probably check that on the calculator. 

Brown Bufoone - Garden Night Creature

Brown Bufoone - Garden Night Creature

A bizarre mix of brown bear, red deer, bad dress sense and poor dental hygiene mean the Bufoone has to try harder to make friends that the average garden creature. Well-read, cultured, fluent in 245 languages and an excellent stand up comedian, the Bufoone is easy to know and a likeable companion. There is no end to his talents, which can become tiresome but his excellent baking skills mean his constant showing off can be overlooked if you like cake. Don't, under any circumstances, tie a green balloon and a blue balloon to his left antler as this  is the Bufoone equivalent of an engagement ring and breaking it off will be upsetting. You don't want to end up married to a Bufoone, trust me.