Elvis Pedigree wasn't the first dog to sing rhythm and blues but his hits 'Blue Suede Paws', 'Dogs Home Rock', 'That's all right Doggie' and 'Barking In the Chapel' made him the most influential. Managed by Colonel Tom Barker, Pedigree became an international dog superstar. His worldwide live TV concert, 'Howling from Hawaii' was watched by over 1 billion dogs and even some cats.
on Wednesday, 23 April 2014.
Posted in Cards, Dog Stars
Shirley Basset is known by her legion of dog fans as 'Basset the Belter.' She rose to fame in the 1960's with her massive hit, 'Big Spaniel'. She is perhaps most famous for her renditions of the 'James Bonzo' theme tunes, 'Goldpointer' and 'Dalmatians are Forever'. Basset started living as a tax exile in 1968 but returned after two years when she realised that dogs don't have to pay tax.
on Wednesday, 23 April 2014.
Posted in Cards, Dog Stars