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Articles tagged with: dog illustration

Sir Cliff Bitchard

Sir Cliff Bitchard

Sir Cliff Bitchard was influenced by Elvis Pedigree and dominated the Bristish dog music scene in the 1960's. Bitchard's singles including 'We don't Walkies anymore', 'Devil Dog Woman' and 'Mistletoe and Whine' helped make him the third best selling dog in the history of the canine music charts. In the 1970's he fronted his own television show, 'It's Cliff Bitchard' and went on to be the first dog recording artist to be knighted, becoming Sir Cliff Bitchard in 1995. From mid November you'll be able to buy Sir Cliff Bitchard and others from Paperchase. Until then, you can get them from my Etsy shop....

The Sex Poodles

The Sex Poodles

The Sex Poodles first album 'Never Lick The Bollocks' caused outrage when it was first released in 1977, ushering in the Punk Dog era. Led by Sid Vicious-Dog and Johnny Rottweiler, The Sex Poodles hit singles, 'Dog saves the Queen, 'Doggy Vacant' and 'Catteries for the UK' were instant classics. Vicious-Dog died in 1979 after overdosing on training treats.

Mastiff Attack

Mastiff Attack

Mastiff Attack were formed by DJ Doggy G and rapper 3 Dogs after a successful spell arranging kennel parties in the Bristol area. Their most commercial album was 'Muzzeline' which featured the smash hit single, 'Fleadrop' with Liz from the 'Canine Twins' on lead vocals. Not to be confused with the tabloid newspaper headlines of the same name.

Spaniel Ballet

Spaniel Ballet

Spaniel Ballet caused a sensation with their appearances on Top of Pups in the 80's. The songs 'To Cut a long Walkie short' and Chant no 1 (I don't need this muzzle on) set Spaniel Ballet on the road to doggy stardom before the multi platinum smash hit 'Poo' cemented their place in the Dog Stars hall of fame. You can buy these Dog Star cards from my Etsy shop, and from mid November, they will be in Paperchase!!