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Joe and his beloved dog Spike

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Joe and his beloved dog Spike

I recently did this illustration of Joe and his schnauzer, Spike. Spike was 14 when he died and was the gentlest, most loving dog friend. They are walking in the beautiful Goose Green in East Dulwich, a thing they did every day. 


And here is a popular schnauzer card available from my Etsy store.... 

Christmas cards 2020

Christmas cards 2020

What a year. We still don't know what kind of Christmas we will have but masks are here to stay. I've 2020'd my Christmas dog cards (FOR ONE YEAR ONLY, please can we not be wearing them next Christmas).. and here are some other cards as well as the original Happy Dog series from 2017. All are available from my Etsy store 

Words YOUNG people don't know anymore

Sozzled - very very drunk

Words YOUNG people don't know anymore

I'm doing a project on the 20 words that are barely known by people under 30 anymore. Sozzled is such a good word!! It can't go - let's bring it back! I'd like to get really sozzled right now... it has rained for days and we are probably going back into lockdown again any minute....


 Tosh - rubbish;nonsense

 kerfuffle - a commotion or fuss (probably because she was talking tosh)